When we spoke with author and historian H.C. "Hank" Klein, we learned that Leonard Destin settled in Destin in 1852. He shared about well smacks that were sloop-rigged fishing vessels used before the invention of artificial ice. Mr. Klein's wife, the Marlers, were the second family to settle here. Olin Marler had the largest fishing fleet in the area during early history.
In our research for this blog post, We learned that Sailing In Destin has a rich history from the fishing industry, commerce, and tourism since the earliest settlers arrived in our area to our present-day.

The Roots Of Sailing In Destin
We spoke with Kathy Blue, the director of Destin History and Fishing Museum. Whether you are a local interested in our area's history or a tourist looking for something interesting to do, Destin History and Fishing Museum has a lot to offer! It has the oldest seine fishing boat, The Primrose, built-in 1925.
There is also a collection of photographs of the early settlers, boat captains, beaches, and boats at the museum if you want to learn more about the history of fishing and boating in Destin.
Aquarius, the First Charter Sailboat
While researching for our blog, we had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with several interesting people. First, we journeyed into Destin and met Mr. David A Krebs, the owner of Ariel Seafood, who generously shared information about his family's history.
Mr/ Kreb's family was the first family to invest in a commercial venture of Sailing In Destin. Their experiences set the course for sailing tours in Destin.
The first Charter Sailboat in Destin, the Aquarius, was launched in 1971 by David Krebs Sr.. Mr. Krebs moved here with his family after his stay in Southeast Asia, courtesy of the United States Air Force. Among the family to move here was David Krebs Jr of the Ariel Seafood company in Destin on Mountain Drive. The fees to enjoy sailing on the Aquarius were $60 for a half-day and $120 for a full day. Deckhands for the Aquarius made $7 for a half-day and $14 for a full day.
Capt. David Krebs is among the most recent of the Destin Charter- boat Association members. He is also the first sailing captain to join the organization.
PLAYGROUND DAILY NEWS, Wednesday Morning, May 26, 197
Be Part of the History
Make your history aboard the Smile N Wave with Captain Pam. Then, get in on one of the oldest boating activities in Destin by booking a sailing tour. Come sail away with Smile N Wave Sailing Adventures! Contact Us to book your charter.